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Hard to be a God - 65%

Rise of Venice - Gold Edition - 91%

Sins of a Solar Empire Rebellion - 90%


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Oldal Statisztika

eddy12345 - hát ezt benézted :)

 Patrik2991   ápr. 11. - 22:53
 Nincs    Egyéb
Kedves látogatóink, a hír címében említett személy miatt, egy kis megszorítást kell eszközölnünk, a többi magyarításunk telepítéséhez élő internetes kapcsolatra lesz szükség, és a magyarításokat csak a felhasználói adatok megadásával lehet majd telepíteni. Akinek ez problémát okoz, az köszönje meg a címben szereplő gyökér buziságát. :)
Sőt a jelenlegi magyarításban is hagytam néhány komolyabb problémát okozó dolgot, pont, hogy kiszűrjem az ilyeneket. Ezért ha első letöltőink közül valakinek problémája lesz pár dologgal az írjon és segítek neki. :) És hamarosan jön a frissített változat a megerősített telepítővel. (Még a holnapi nap folyamán elkészülök vele, addig kérem legyetek türelmesek.)

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    Part 2-6 - Medical Electrical Equipment Specific Requirements For The Safety And Performance Of Microwave Therapy Equipment En 60601-2-6:2015 EN 60601-2-6 is a crucial document that regulates the production and use of medical equipment. It describes the basic requirements necessary for the safe operation of equipment for microwave therapy. This particular standard supplements and updates IEC 60601-1 (third edition. 2005; amend. 1st of 2012). The new edition replaces and cancels IEC 60601-2-6 that was released in 1984. This is a reminder that being current with new standards can affect the image of your business as well as the efficiency of your business in the marketplace. Check out the top cen catalog standards en-1909-2017 site. Innovation Management - Tools And Methods For Partnership In Innovation Guidelines (Iso 56003:2019) En Iso 56003:2021 The most important factor in developing innovative products is to establish the presence of the right partner. The partnership allows you to share information, technology, advice, financial, and resource assistance, with other important elements that can help build an efficient and sustainable system. EN ISO 55033 2021 offers guidelines for creating successful partnerships.This document provides a guidance to help in the development of innovative partnerships. It provides guidance for collaborations in the field of innovation.Deciding whether to enter an Innovation PartnershipEvaluate, find and choose your partnersIn sync with the perceptions of your partner of value, and their challenges.Manage the interactions with your partners.This document provides guidance that is applicable for any type and kind of partnerships and collaborations.a) startups that collaborate with larger organizations;B. SME or larger organizationsC. Private sector entities with public and academic entitiesd. public, academic, and not-for profit organizationsInnovation partnerships start with a gap analysis, followed by the identification and engagement of potential innovation partners and the governance of their interactions.This standard is applicable to both new and established businesses. After all, the issue of partnership is always pertinent and in most cases is the reason for successful development and scaling in the future. If you're seeking the long term, then we strongly suggest to review this document. Have a look at the best sist catalog standards sist-en-13631-2-2002 info. Characterization Of Bulk Material - Determination Of A Size Weighted Fine Fraction, Crystalline Silica And Crystalline Silicon Content - Part I General Information And The Selection Of Test Methods EN 17289-1:2020 Regulations are complicated both locally and globally due to the variety of products and materials used in manufacturing. International standards are being created to allow companies and organizations to expand their market.This document outlines the requirements and options for selecting the best test method to determine the size-weighted fraction of crystallized silica and the SWFFCS in bulk materials.This document provides guidelines for the preparation and analysis of Silica crystals using Xray-ray Diffractometry (XRD) or Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy.EN 1789-2 describes the method of getting the size weighted fine fraction based on the measurement of the distribution of particle sizes. This is assuming that the distribution of crystalline silica particles in bulk materials is the same. EN 1789-3 explains how to calculate the size-weighted fine percentage of crystalline silicona using liquid sedimentation. Both methods are restricted by assumptions and limitations. If the method is validated correctly and validated, the EN 17289-3 method may also be applied to other constituents.This document is applicable to crystalline silicona containing bulk materials that have been fully examined and validated to evaluate the size-weighted fine fraction as well as crystallinesilica.If your business comes into contact with the materials within the descriptions, then it could be a tremendous aid in scaling production. Visit our website for more information. Check out the top sist catalog standards sist-en-1501-5-2011 site. Systems And Software Engineering - Software Product Quality Requirements And Evaluation (Square) - Common Industry Format (Cif) For Usability: User Requirements Specifications (Iso 25065:2019) EN ISO 25065:2020 Today, the key advantages of having a top spot in the international market is the quality of the software. Understanding the regulations of these markets is achievable by referring to the international requirements. These regulations can be found within documents like EN ISO 25065 - 2020.This document provides a structure and consistent terminology to describe the user's requirements. It provides a common industry format (CIF) to define user requirements. This covers both the content and format.A specification for user requirements is a formal description of a set of user requirements that assists in the development of interactive systems.User requirements, as used in this document, are the following. interactions between users and the system (including requirements system outputs and their characteristics) as well as 2. Quality requirements related to use that specify the quality criteria for interaction between users and the interactive system. This can be used to establish system acceptance standards.ISO/IEC 25030 introduces quality requirements. This document defines a specific type of quality requirement: the use-related quality demands. These content elements are meant to form part of documentation which will lead to the actions that are described in ISO 9241-210 as well as human-centred design processes such as ISO 9241-220.This document is intended to be used by requirements engineers business analysts, product managers as well as product owners and individuals who acquire systems from third party. CIF is a set of standards that address usability-related information, as described in ISO 9241-11 and ISO/IEC TR 25060.In addition to accessibility, the requirements of users could also be viewed from other angles including human-centric quality that was introduced in ISO 9241-220, and other quality-related perspectives that are presented in ISO/IEC 25210, ISO/IEC TS 2511 and ISO/IEC 25030.This document was created for interactive systems. However, it can be applied to other areas. This document doesn't prescribe any method, process or lifecycle. The content of the user requirements specification is a good starting point for the development process in iterative fashion. This could include the elaboration revision, evolution and modification of requirements. as in agile development). This international standard will help you become more productive in your professional life. Have a look at the most popular cen catalog standards en-12312-4-2003a1-2009 info. Health Informatics -- Requirements Regarding Machine-Readable International Codes For Medical Product Package Identifications ISO/TS 16791:2014 NEW version ISO/TS 16791:2020 The more new technologies emerge on the planet, the more regulations governing their use and minimising risks are developed. EN ISO11073/10201 is set for 2020. The document could be revised in response to technological advancements.This document outlines guidelines for identification and labelling medical products from the moment that they are designed to be dispensed with. This document outlines best practice for AIDC barcoding solutions for applications. Users should, however, consider the coding interoperability requirements for other AIDC technologies, e.g. Radio Frequency IdentificationIf you've already utilized the previous version and want to keep operating in the same activity field We recommend that this document be updated with international rules and recommendations. See the top rated clc catalog standards en-60027-2-2007 information.
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